недеља, 29. новембар 2009.


Kako sam već odavno počeo pripremni period za sledeću sezonu, tako počinjem sa ubacivanjem treninga sa kartom. Ovog vikenda sam, umesto planiranog trening vikenda u Novom Sadu, napravio trening od 12km na Košutnjaku u subotu i danas trening trku u Novom Sadu.
Na Popovici sam sa tehničke strane nezadovoljan završio trening jer sa imao greške u reonu kontrole na 5. i 12. kontroli, dok sam na 10. izabrao lošu varijantu. Raduje me što osećam da sam trkački jači nego letos, što znači da preko 16h treninga nedeljno daje prve rezultate.
Sledećeg vikenda ću verovatno uraditi još četiri treninga na Fruškoj gori uz nadam se društvo iz drugih klubova.

недеља, 22. новембар 2009.

недеља, 8. новембар 2009.


Last weekend the race was held in Novi Sad on beautifull and chalenge fortress. It was a little anniversary, the first 25 years of OAK "Novi Sad" and Frulja's 50th birthday, team mate of that club.
Every race on that fortress is very exciting. There are a lot of passages, walls, levels, paths and if you don't know spatial arrangement you are in trouble.
I started race very well untill the 6th control, when I missed one passage and made mistake of 2.30 minutes. After that, on the 8th control I passed on the wrong side of the wall and lost some 30 more seconds. On the 10th control I chose a variant from the right side and lost about 20sec., even though I thought that the left variant was better. Till the end of the race I had a quite safe race. At the end I was the first with 30 seconds ahead of the second competitor. It was a good control race after the first cycle of preparation period with more than 700km in a month.
After all I was satisfied with running however I must do something with my self confidence during the race and selection of variants.